Energy Healing

Everything is energy and the power to change is in your hands.

Everything in life starts in the energy plane before it manifests into a physical reality and therefore, it is so important to clear subconscious blocks and raise your vibration as you work towards your building the life of your dreams.

Align within to raise your vibe and watch the world rise up to meet you.

Elizabeth has been working closely with various businesses and entrepreneurs for long enough to observe that behind all that is on the surface - positive or negative - is a set of energy patterns and beliefs that drive or obstruct the flow of success. Many of these patterns and beliefs have been acquired and lodged subconsciously and it is often difficult to see why things are not moving forward, especially if you are working hard and doing everything right…

Reconnect and rebalance

If your life or business is not flowing as it should be or if you are just feeling stuck and unmotivated, there is a strong chance that you are blocked within and the clearing of these blocks on a deep energetic level can allow for rapid positive transformation. An energy healing session or programme with Elizabeth can help you identify and dissolve your blocks and give you the guidance and clearance you need to move forward.

Who is Energy Healing for?

Energy healing can help anyone who is feeling blocked in their business or job, lost or disconnected from their sense of purpose, happiness, dreams or zest for life. Perhaps you are perfectly content but you feel like you are just treading water or somehow out of alignment. You know that you are meant for more or something different... That things could be better.

It is Elizabeth’s mission to remind you of all the brilliance that you are, all the brilliance that you can be and guide you to your best path forward while connecting you to the answers that are already within.

Our Key Steps for Facilitating Positive Change

Everybody's challenges and goals are different but the following pillars support our approach to almost every situation in order to pave the way towards positive change. 

  • We are not interested in reliving past traumas or clinging onto them as part of our identity. However, it is important to identify experiences and beliefs that we have subconsciously ingrained that are not serving us and commence the process of letting go with ease. 

  • When we are clear of old programming and limiting beliefs that no longer serve us, a new space opens up to receive the blessings and desires that we deserve.

    Released of old blocks, cord attachments and patterns, we are free to live in love and gratitude and savour the joy of the present moment. 

  • Once we clear what no longer serves us, we can find serenity and raise our frequency and the magnetic power to manifest our heart’s desires is amplified. Stepping into the flow, life feels easier, doors that you didn’t even see before suddenly open and everything falls into place to support your highest good.

Our Approach

An energy-healing session with Elizabeth is a meditative process. A safe space is created for you to reflect on where you're at, clear what no longer serves you and map out where you want to go and how best to get there.

While guidance and energy healing is channelled from Source through intuition and a meditative process, it is delivered in a way that is practical and easily applicable in your daily life as it is in the here and now. The full mind-body-spirit connection is honoured throughout our approach and it is recognised that there must be a balance between all three aspects.

We start with where you are.

First, we must take a good look at your present situation. If you have found this page, the chances are you have already started doing this. Perhaps you have realised that you are not where you'd like to be. In life... in love... in your career or business... in health...

It could be one or a combination of areas that you would like to see improvement in. Normally one area affects the other and we operate from a holistic perspective.

You are where you’re meant to be.

Even if you feel your circumstances are less than ideal or if you're faced with challenges you'd rather not face or if you see that past traumas are tripping you up, just know that recognising that you are meant for more is the first step towards a happier, lighter, more fulfilling existence.

The best way forward is always through, not around, and your current challenges are often an invitation to do the work to overcome and up-level to a higher place…

The power is in your hands.

Positive transformation is yours if that is what you truly desire. We are here to light the way but it is you who will make it happen.

Elizabeth’s guidance is delivered through intuitive coaching and ThetaHealing®, a meditative practice that allows you to release deep subconscious blocks and raise your vibration so that you can move forward with ease and grace in a way that honours your truth and soul's purpose.

Meet Your Guide

Having worked closely with several entrepreneurs and CEOs through her communications work over 15 years within a diverse range of sectors including art, tech, fashion and investment, Elizabeth is familiar with the importance of a positive mindset and its strong influence on the success of a business and fulfilment in life.

It was with the advancement of her own spiritual journey that Elizabeth realised people were opening up to her more and more. She would come away from business meetings knowing more about her client's personal troubles or greatest fears than their business’ requirments and she questioned whether she was supposed to be doing something more than just branding and business development strategies with her work. Having found safety within herself, it seemed that even strangers felt safe enough to cry in front of her and she felt called to help people on an emotional level in parallel with her work as a designer and business consultant.

Elizabeth started training as a Theta Healer® in early 2019 and having seen the positive effects of this practice on her own life and the lives of her clients, she was inspired to create a platform in which she could merge her gift and practice as a healer and intuitive coach with her passion for building businesses and encouraging people to reach for the stars and become the best version of themselves.

Elizabeth has conducted dozens of healing sessions and witnessed the positive impact of this work on people’s productivity or business performance and it how it can inspire others in their surroundings to raise their vibration too. Energy is magnetic as well as contagious and so it is important to keep it clear and positive in all areas of life because everything is connected. Elizabeth’s mission is to help people prepare the foundations for their greatest dreams to take shape.

"I have been blessed with a high level of intuition for as long as I can remember. It was normal for me to see auras, spiritual entities and premonitions long before I knew the meaning of such visions and how I could apply them to help others. After embarking on my own healing journey and years of studying several paths in self-development and spiritual growth, I felt a calling to help others on their journeys. I am so grateful to have discovered ThetaHealing® in my late 20s and having greatly benefitted from it on a personal level, I later trained to practise this beautiful, highly effective modality as a healer. It is an honour to be able to help people reconnect with themselves, find their true path in life to fulfil their highest potential."

— Elizabeth Gaffney


Elizabeth is a born healer and old soul. Her techniques are powerful, her intentions are from the heart. Working on an intuitive and spiritual level, helping me at a time when I really needed it, guiding me through a difficult period in my life, which was really appreciated... She is able to see more than what you are actually feeling, creating a safe, healing, nurturing session with her generous, kind soul. Thank you.

Aisha, Yoga Instructor, London

Elizabeth is a powerful and talented healer with a heart of gold. She helped me understand and heal from something I wouldn’t have on my own. Very thankful and happy. ❤️

Ella, Property Consultant, London

Amid a burnout, I had no clue how to get rid of the fog that persisted in my head. I couldn’t make any decisions and felt trapped inside my life. 

I went to Instagram for the vicious cycle of pleasure and void when I saw that Elizabeth was offering healings. I did not know what would come out of it. But I knew I had to do it. 

  • It was the first time I was receiving a healing, so I wasn’t sure what was about to happen. I turned off my phone to cut all distractions and knew I had made the right choice when I saw Elizabeth smiling at the other end. At the very least, I thought, I’ll have a wonderful chat with an enchanting person…

    Just as the healing session began, I was trying not to interact with the voice in my head that insisted on labelling this as “delusional and a lie” when my phone, which had been turned off for 2 hours, suddenly turned on and shone its flashing light on me and my thoughts… What were the odds of that happening? It felt like a sign of reassurance that this was inexplicable but real… I turned my phone upside down, relieved to delve back into the healing.

    During the healing, I cried until I flooded my mind and then flushed out the fear-stained water, leaving everything bright and clear. My smile, my innocent, joyful smile, returned. I was back to my natural state. I giggled.

    It felt like someone I love telling me I did not have to carry all this weight and gently took it off my back. With the weight out of the way, I could see and receive love and light.

    I felt like a feather floating through the sky.

    But I knew no amount of healing could cure someone that does not have action. So, every-time a doubt appeared, I breathed into the healing energy and cleared it away.

    I was also clear-headed enough afterwards to follow Elizabeth’s suggestion of going to a dance class that had meaning to me. To my surprise, I instinctively googled “dance movement”. There was a dance class with that exact name in Amsterdam. What were the odds?

    I was in Italy visiting a friend shortly after the healing and I confided in her that Elizabeth had passed on a message from the guides that I should wear the colour orange and she spoke about me picking out a chunky orange wool sweater but I didn’t want to buy more clothes… You can imagine our surprise when we reached her friend’s place to have dinner, and she announced that she was giving away some old clothes. Sitting on top of the bag was a sweater of that exact description. What were the odds?

    My sceptical mind knows that these could all be (a lot of) coincidences mixed up with “The Hawthorne effect” (aka “The Power of Suggestion”).

    But I also know that this healing cleared up my head and made it easier to take the next step onto a path that aligns with me.

    A healing session won’t change your life unless you are prepared to make changes, but it clears your mind for you to be able to take action. And if you are going to do it, you might as well trust and breathe into its powers.

    More importantly, it gives you the courage and reset to trust and breathe into yourself.

Clara, Founder of Vibrating Joy Culture, Amsterdam

How it works

Elizabeth takes a highly personalised approach to every healing session she facilitates. Each session is tailored to her client’s area of concern, whether it be self-worth, love and relationships, health, purpose or wealth.

Each client's unique journey and their stage within in that is recognised and honoured. The most important thing to be sure of before you book a healing session is that you are willing to face your challenges and ready to do the work it takes to allow for positive transformation in your life.

Remember, YOU have the power to make it happen!

Booking Notes

  • All 1:1 sessions take place via Zoom between the hours of 8am and 8pm GMT and can be booked from anywhere in the world.

  • Before booking a healing session or programme with Source Projects, you are invited to schedule a free 15-minute discovery call to assess whether our approach is right for you and to discuss what you would like to work on and how your sessions should be structured. The intro call is not obligatory and there is certainly no obligation to book a session thereafter but it can be useful if you have any questions.

  • You will be required to answer a short pre-appointment questionnaire as part of our scheduling process.

Your Invitation